Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Creepy care takers, a lot of sex and a fantastic movie: I give you: Wrong Turn 6 review

My first ever review of a horror movie I really liked. I have never ever written a review or anything related to that, so I hope everyone likes it. (The last posts aren't reviews)

Let me just start off by saying how impressed I was when I saw the beginning. It had the creepy Wrong Turn 1-2 vibe in it. Basically it started off with a shoot of some mountains and then it showed us the to ''soon to be killed'' couple. I was just overly excited to see it and I must say that the beginning was over excellent. From the acting to the screaming and to the kills, it was just so gory and really it gave me some chills. I loved how Talitha Luke Eardley and Luke Cousins acted and I wished that Talitha wouldn't die, even though it was the opening scene. Luke's death was simple, but Talitha had one of the best death scenes ever! It was gory, had a scary feel to it and when she kicked around and screamed, she just made it really believable! 10 points to Talitha for making the perfect death scene and she knew how to open up a movie. Oh hot damn!
Talitha. She was a stunner and knows how to open up a movie! Loved her. + Knows how to act!

After the gory events, we see the new owner, Danny, with his girlfriend Toni and his friend Vic, driving to Hobb Springs.
Danny has like this bad feeling at first, but soon he's so relaxed over there, that he just might even want to stay there with his ''lost family''.

Soon, we will see the third victim, Agnes Fields, who is a big flirt and she wants to get attention from the care taker Jackson. So she just ''drops'' her fork and Jackson comes to the rescue.. Agnes plays it real dirty and squeezes his booty and yes Jackson gets really mad, which is real awesome. You can like see though Jacksons eyes, that he wants to kill Agnes and he eventually kills her, by snapping her neck. I felt bad for her. She had attitude and was really fun! Later we get to see the other friends of Danny's and they aren't too happy to be there, especially Jillian. Then the story goes on and the care takers aren't also happy that Danny has friends with him or they were really surprised. Sally and Jackson welcome everyone to the hotel.. Bla bla bla.. And then we see that Sally wants to be all over Danny, but Toni hates it and ''asks a rood question'', which Sally found really rood. She gave a hateful eye to Toni and then we see that maybe Sally wants to get rid of Toni..

The story went on and on, but nothing actually happened much, which got me a little surprised and I'm not trying to be rood, but I got a tiny bit bored with the nothingness. It was just like drama and I got lost. I eventually just watched the ''boring'' part and then it got all serious and a little bit scary. From the part where the doe got shot, I was like: Nooo, don't kill it and it was just so real.. The way it looked into Danny's eyes and when it just slowly tried to breath, it was just.. Oh wow and Noooo. (Mixed emotions for me) I was really surprised that a Wrong Turn movie would have something like that and I don't mean anything bad with that.. It just got me over the top scared/excited..
After the scary animal killing, we got to see the real side of Sally. She was just like Danny's girlfriend and she tried to be all on him and stuff, which made the movie amazing. Sally almost tried to do something with him, but the ''fun girlfriend'', Toni ruined the moment for her. I was literally like scared that something bad might happen. But no..
I also liked how Sally was all horny and she had to hold herself in, so she could have sex with Danny.. She even just went all crazy mad/horny, when she saw other people screw and she had to just ''relax'' herself by pleasing herself, while she was watching people screw. Also 10 points to Sadie Katz, who made Sally scary, twisted, sexy and really believable! I loved Sally's character the most and Sadie just fit the role as Sally! (You should be in Wrong Turn 7!)

The scary part was when I saw Jillian and Bryan having sex and then the three baddies coming into the ''secret room'', while Sally was doing her thing. And then the limbs getting ripped off by the brothers, was really just 100% scary, excellent, sexy and much more.
Poor Jillian, her death was really painful and slow.. Nobody wants to die like Jillian did, but that's what you get for being all noisy and dirty. (I ain't saying that Jillian was a whore, because she didn't like go around screwing everyone, but she was just too naughty!)
Sadie giving us quite the show over here.. 
After the bloody murders, the movie was getting to it's end... Like only 30-40 minutes until the end, we still got a lot of scary parts, but I must say that maybe if the movie were to be a little bit longer, then we would have gotten something a lot scarier+maybe even some gore?
Amazing scene would be where we got to meet the other side of the cannibal family.. Like there was a tiny village with scary different looking cannibal mutants.. It was awesome and I liked how they all looked so different and had a weird deformity.. And I must say that you can't have a family meeting without some food.. Am I right?
I didn't like how they killed Vic and the thing that Danny didn't even recognize him was just.. Unexplainable.. But after the kills, they had to have a dance party..While dancing, Danny started to hallucinate and he thought that Sally was actually Toni, which was just awesome!  I liked everything from that scene, the way it had Sadie dance first and then change into Aqueela and then back.. It was just amazing! Plus the way they danced was also fun to watch and I especially liked one clip. I mean the scene where Sadie was like inviting you somewhere with her fingers and that creepy, sexy look!

After the party,everything went down the hill for Danny's friends. I mean for the ''still living friends''.. Everyone had a painful death, but the weirdest death of all time would be the fire hose in the a-hole. Not really cute, but at least the movie makers had some kind of a imagination or something?
I really just liked the ending scenes, like the cat fight between Sally and Toni. It should have been a little longer, but I still liked it.. It had like sexiness and spark?
I actually felt sorry for Toni, because she DID NOT deserve do die! I wish they could have done something else with her, but not just kill her off like that. It would have been awesome if she could have escape the place..
But I kinda liked the ending, because there's like a new start for a new movie.. Maybe Sally will get pregnant and maybe we will get a little bit more action in Wrong Turn 7? Nobody knows what the future will hold for Wrong Turn 7..

Overall I would rate this movie 4 and a half out of 5, because the acting was awesome, we got a different kind of a Wrong Turn, the ending will give us a new movie and I just feel that the director and the writer delivered us a awesome movie. + It was funny, not too gory (Should have been a little more of it), sexy/sexual and daring. I loved it!
And no, I don't think that the movie had too much sex or anything.. Like the writer said: There's no such thing as ''Too much sex''!

Also I wanted to mention that everyone gave their all to make this movie and I did like everyone in this movie! But some of them weren't too over the top good as like Sadie, Anthony, Aqueela, Chris and Talitha!

I hope everyone enjoyed this wannabe review.. I'm really late with it, but at least I managed to do it? I had a lot of fun writing the review and the movie was also really fun! (If Frank, the writer, sees this, then I must say that please give us a little bit more action and gore, if you write a Wrong Turn 7!)
And I'm so sorry if this review was a mess.. I have no experience with this at all and I suck at writing these things.. Last time: If you enjoyed this, then you can just share it or show it to your friends.It would mean a lot to me! Thanks a lot to my readers and my future readers! And it would also mean too much for me if someone left a comment, saying what you thought of the movie+my review.
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