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Sadie Katz, Frank H and Aqueela on the picture |
Wrong Turn 6 plot:
A sudden and mysterious inheritance brings Danny and his friends to Hobb Springs, a forgotten resort deep in the West Virginia hills. Hobbs Springs is being looked after the under the watchful care of Jackson and Sally, a socially and awkward couple who introduce Danny to the long lost family. Soon Danny is forced to choose between his friends and his bloodline.
RH: Hi, how are you?
Frank H Woodward: Hi, good. The stress of the week is ebbing.
RH: Well, I see you were really busy then. Hands full! Tell me what have you been up this week?
FHW: Well, there was some Wrong Turn 6 business as you know. I also started working on a new show called Silicon Valley. Not writing, just crewing. We also had our Kickstarter succeed. You?
RH: Not too much. My week was so dull.
RH: Can you tell me how successful has Wrong Turn 6 been so far? And has it changed your life in anyways?
FHW: Judging from fan reactions, it's quite a success. I'm not sure how sales are going. As for changing my life.. being hired to write a script for a popular horror series can make things different.
RH: I have seen that the movie has got so much hate. Like people are saying it was a bad idea to make a WT6 or the movie is kinda boring, What would you say to the ''haters''?
FHW: If you're a horror fan or work in the genre, you always meet ''haters''. A lot of people don't get it and that's fine. Most of these people think horror is all about the gore. I like pointing out to them that horror is a broad genre and those vampire and werewolf films they like, make them horror fans.
As for ''haters'' of the Wrong Turn series.. anything running this long is going to make those who didn't enjoy the previous films ask ''Why?'' When you're on part 6, it's really for the fans. Haters are not fans, so I'm not sure why they're wasting their breath. You don't like it? Don't watch it! But let those who do enjoy the films have fun in peace. That and the internet brings out everyone's inner curmudgeon.
FHW: In short... haters make me laugh.
RH: Nicely said. I personally liked Wrong Turn 6, it was different and it was more into the story, not the basic torture porn.
FHW: Thanks, We tried for more story this time around.
RH: There's also a lot of thing told that Wrong Turn 6 is more like a ''porno'' not a horror movie. What do you have to say to that?
FHW: Is there such thing as too much sex?
FHW: I've seen those comments and I do not pay them much mind. It may be more sex than WT fans are used to, but I think the taboo plays a big part of horror. And sex for a lot of people is a taboo subject. The scenes in WT6 are far from porn, though, We're not graphic! And most of those scenes as staged by Valeri are quite loving. Passionate sex scenes, what's wrong with that?
FHW: The only thing I heard from lady viewers is, there wasn't enough male nudity.
RH: There's like nothing wrong with sex scenes or nudity, but I really think that if you show male nudity then the movie would get even more bad ratings..
FHW: The rating board is uptight about genitals over all.
RH: If you could direct a horror movie, would you show genitals, when you have a sex scene or what would you do?
FHW: I wouldn't shine a spotlight on them, no. I also wouldn't avoid them. Two people naked on camera.. if the camera catches something, so be it!
RH: So for you nudity in movies would be okay? I totally don't see anything bad in it..
FHW: It's fine and it is natural. Now I wouldn't have nudity just to have a nudity, though. For a film like WT6, I think people expect it, so we gave the audience what they wanted. And in WT6 the crux of the story revolves around sex and breeding. Kind of hard to avoid it!
RH: Tell me, how did you even get to write a story for Wrong Turn 6? And would you write a WT7?
FHW: I came up with the story for WT6 and then had meetings with FOX and the producers to shape the script as they wanted. As for WT7.. I guess we'll see. They haven't asked me yet.
RH: So you would totally do a new story for Wrong Turn 7? And what would your ideas be? Or what would you like to see in WT7?
FHW: I would continue the story. Hopefully get us out of the prequel land and tie back into the original timeline. I'll keep the ideas as a secret for now, though! I hope they give me the chance.
RH: I really hope so! Could I have a little spoiler of your story? Or am I not allowed to ask?
FHW: Blue people. That's a hint.
FHW: Methemoglobinemia. That's more on the blue people front.

This is a post from IMDB. A user said that Wrong Turn 6 has ''animal snuff'' and animal lovers should stay away from this movie. He/she even thought that they actually killed a real life doe.. I mean is that person serious?
RH: What would you say to this person? Or what's your reaction?
FHW: As for the comment above.. I'd say: Think before you react. A big studio film isn't going to kill a live animal on screen. As for the horror you felt.. well, it is a horror film. It should make you feel sick. That's what horror does!
RH: I kinda was shocked when the scene was on.. The animal dying and looking right into the human eyes, was just so real. It kinda made me really weird, but I knew that it wasn't real.
FHW: That scene is meant to be dark and uncomfortable. I think Valeri did an excellent job!
RH: He indeed did a excellent job. How was it to work with Valeri and the WT6 cast anyways?
FHW: The production being in Bulgaria prevented me from working with the cast. Writers on film of this size rarely get the chance anyway. Valeri and I only had one or two phone conferences. In those meetings I found his twisted imagination to be delightful. He really wanted to go for the visceral and that's what you want. I hope we get the chance to work together more on the next one.
RH: Are you working on anything at the moment?
FHW: Just the BALLOON short at the moment. That and some crewing on a show. Developing new films, but it's too soon to say anything!

RH: Will you be writing any new horror stories?
FHW: Oh sure! It's what I love.
RH: What would you like to write?
FHW: I'm already writing what I'd like to write.
RH: I really hope you will be writing new things and I want to thank you so much for having a talk with me! I hope I wasn't weird with the questions and I must say that talking to you was really awesome and you really know how to give a full answer!
FHW: You were great! Solid questions. Thanks for wanting to listen to me ramble!
RH: Bye.. Before you go, do you have any words to your fans? Or to Wrong Turn 6 fans?
FHW: Thank you. The fact that I have any fans means I must be doing something right. Let's hope I can keep doing so.
RH: Well I'm your fan! But thanks again for chatting!
FHW: Please. Talk to you soon! Ciao!
You can creep on Frank or stalk him on these social media pages:
And no, you can't add Frank on Google+.. He doesn't use it.
I really hope you enjoyed this interview. I had a lot of fun talking to him and this post took me over a hour to make. Share it or post it to Facebook or Twitter or where ever you want!
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