21 October. The day Wrong Turn 6 will be out! Amazing and best news so far.
It has been yet again a long time ago since I made a post about Wrong Turn 6. As you know, Wrong Turn 6 was shown today in Fright Fest 2014, but they haven't given us a trailer, which is a bummer, but I hope they will release one this week or maybe next week! The fans are kinda going a little ''crazy'' about it already, but we can't do anything about it.

And we got some nice pictures from various people who attended Fright Fest 2014. All pictures were found on Twitter and you can go check them out, if you want to add them as a favorite or re-tweet them to your friends.
The banner for Wrong Turn 6, the movie is coming to Digital HD, Blu-ray and DVD this October! Who can wait for 70 days until the release?
There's also a second ''banner'' or a ''poster'' for the promotion of WT6, where we can see the sexy Sadie Katz with our one and only Three Fingers. He looks really weird in this picture, I mean you can't say that this is him or anything. I had my doubts about it at first, but all the people on Twitter were saying that it's Three Fingers. (I thought it was a new cannibal, but maybe I was wrong? Who knows, because Sadie wasn't allowed to share the details)
See for yourself and tell me what do you think.
Sadie Katz posted this like one week ago, I can't remember.
Is that Three Fingers? If so, then he got a lot of changes with his is face/hair and head. He looks so bad ass now! Not like the older ones, who looked really ''bad'' (I mean Wrong Turn 5 the most)
And then the second person in the picture is the sexy/famous Sadie Katz. She got burned a lot on her face? I hope she got like steaming water thrown on her face.. If I'd ask her what happened, she'd just say ''It's a secret, I can't spoil anything''
And that's why we should all love Sadie, because she doesn't give us all the information and she doesn't spoil everything. Thank you for that Sadie :D..
The next pictures are from the Fright Fest, which I got through Anthony Ilott's Twitter. And I loved them so much I had to use them in my blog! I hope he doesn't mind me using them..

:3 This picture on the right is so awesome. And the faces are funny. I hope Roxanne And Anthony had fun in Fright Fest and Wrongturners can't wait to see you all in Wrong Turn 6. (All credit goes to the amazing Anthony and I hope he lets me use these pictures!)
I found some other pictures too and here they are:
Moving a little bit to the next pictures, we will have some piece of Roxanne.. (It's a lame joke, but I hope someone gets it) ENJOY!
I put the two pictures together so they would look awesome. BusterKnight is so lucky to get a picture with Roxanne and if I'm not mistaken I think they are friends. I'm not sure.. But he is really lucky..
And one picture I will add (It caused a lot of trouble here -_-, It almost messed up my post..)

I was mostly doing heavy breathing moaning and such…very sexy. Roxy in case you don’t know her in the states is a very well known British actress like tabloid fixture, soap starlet and a really sexy great actress. Her scene is just…ummm…wow. Not only crazy sexy but, it goes totally where you don’t expect and she’s just does some amazing work and the three baddies come in and I’m not saying if she lives or dies but, it get bloody and sexy and…we spoke today and we both were like have a fit of the giggles because, she did some damn fine work and she’s like “I may have to hide from the neighbors after that scene.”
I have something to say.. Wow.. It might get really nasty.. I can't wait! Thank you Sadie for sharing this with us and the credit goes to spoilerfreemoviesleuth (As a big fan I need everything new on Wrong Turn 6! And PS I loved the interview.)
I will add some new pictures I also found today! We can get a tiny piece of Roxy again and just a simple picture of one of the most known cannibals in Wrong Turn!
Sorry if the right picture is tiny.. I couldn't get a bigger one. But damn Roxanne is smoking hot in that picture. And then we have the simple picture of one of the cannibals and Billy Ashworth. Awesome :D
This is all for tonight! I hope you liked my third Wrong Turn 6 post and follow me on Google+ if you want to keep up with new news about the upcoming horror movie Wrong Turn 6 and many more. You can also just comment on this post and just share it if you want to. I will do a awesome review of the movie in October and I hope you will read it in the future!
My awesome source and the biggest thanks to all these people so far. Go check them all out, because they will share awesome posts about Wrong Turn 6 in the future.
P.s. If you want to pre-order Wrong Turn 6 then go to this site and the movie is much cheaper there: http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Wrong-Turn-6-Last-Resort-Blu-ray/109975/
(It will go to Amazon.com)
People who posted these pictures to their Twitter/Instagram:
1.http://instagram.com/busterknight (Follow him. He's a make-up artist)
http://www.busterknight.com His webpage. Check it out also.
https://twitter.com/BusterKnight His twitter
2. http://www.spoilerfreemoviesleuth.com/2014/08/interviews-sadie-katz-of-wrong-turn-6.html Awesome interview! Check it out and keep up with them for some awesome horror news and reviews!
3. https://twitter.com/LoveHorror Shares Wrong Turn 6 news and also different horror related things!
I hope I didn't miss anyone. Thank you all again so much. Can't wait to see the movie! Love yah :D Thanks for reading!