And I hope the movie makers and all the actors+actresses wouldn't mind me just sharing some of these photos..
But here we go!
On the right side we have an amazing, but a simple picture of the Wrong Turn 6 set. I'm hoping to see something awesome happen in these woods. And I think we will have a lot more of these cannibals, maybe like 7 of them. Including the three infamous hillbilly brothers: Three Fingers, Saw Tooth and One Eye.
That was the first picture and I hope it wasn't a old picture!

Damn, look at that these beautiful ladies.
So I see that something bad will happen, because the person who tweeted this picture said: This is the old ladies stunt double! So that ain't beautiful 'cause I don't even want to know what's gonna happen to her..
I wish I'd knew who's that girl in the middle though. Maybe she is a friend of Danny's? My guess would be Jillian (Roxanne Pallett) We will find out sooner or later!
Now to the next picture:
Tell me that this is from Wrong Turn 6. The source told me that this was from Wrong Turn 4, not Wrong Turn 6. If someone knows about this then just comment, what do you think or is this from the deleted scenes of Wrong Turn 4? Or is this from the unrated version of Wrong Turn 4?
I even tried to search the unrated version of the movie and the deleted scenes, but there wasn't any answers.
Maybe this is from Wrong Turn 6? Because, how did Sally (Sadie Katz) get her burns on her face? How do you explain that? And as you can see, there are some flames behind Three Fingers+ he is bald! That's not the Three Fingers we know.. I hope, that I get the answer or something. (Maybe Sally tried to burn down the spa and then got some burns on her face?)

Moving on to the other pictures:
Here is a picture of Talitha Luke-Eardley riding a bike. And I knew that something bad was going to happen to her, but I didn't know which actress would get her eyes slashed.. I thought it would be Roxanne Pallett, but nevermind that.. (They look the same, so it was hard to know which one of them gets killed by riding a bike..)
This was my first thought/prediction on what would happen and who is that woman riding the bike. And it almost went like the way I told, but it was Talitha Luke-Eardley riding the bike, not Roxanne Pallet..
Damn that picture looks gory and really awesome, but wait! There's more of these pictures. I put them all together so it would be easier for all of you to see them. I wanted to make it like it would be in a order.
I love the make-up and the idea of her death. It looks easy, but really painful.
I think this will happen in the beginning of the movie. (My prediction of what would happen)
She went into the forest with a car and her bike on top of the car. Like a little bike trip or something.
She arrives and parks her car into a safe place, gets her bike and starts to drive. After driving a lot, she decides to head back to the car, because she thought she was being watched. She sees her car, but she isn't near it. Driving a little bit faster, she stops and sees three fingers. He tries to stab her, but she kicks him with her leg, leaving three fingers on the ground. She starts to drive faster and is almost at her car, but she quickly looks behind her to see if three fingers was there. He was gone and she starts to panic. She then turns her head back and suddenly there is a barb wire string? in front of her. It sliced her eyes and then she fell on the ground. After that happens, the 2 brothers come out of their hiding place and three fingers runs to the dead body. Two of the brothers put her body into the car and throw the bike into the car also. Then they just drive away to the spa? and then get rid of her body somehow. And then the Wrong Turn 6 title shows up.
That was my prediction of the first scene of the movie.. There is one more picture c:
She is so beautiful :3. And Sadie added that this picture was taken just for us, WrongTurners c:. I hope she doesn't mind me adding her picture to my blog post.. P.S. Sadie if you are reading this then all the Wrong Turn 6 fans love you :D and we hope you will get many many roles in different movies. (I hope that some of them are horror movies.) And congratulations on shooting a movie with Danny Trejo, he is quite famous in the movie industries! + I hope you will have fun shooting the movie and I hope we get more news on Wrong Turn 6!
My sources:
If you don't want to miss any Wrong Turn 6 related things then follow him/her!
She is beautiful/awesome and WrongTurners love her. Follow her if you don't want to miss anything related to Wrong Turn 6 and her future roles in many different movies.
They are awesome people and I hope they see this post! (I hope they do not mind me using some pictures, they posted on twitter. I want to double thank them both..)
And sorry if this post was too long? I should re-think how to write a shorter post. :D But thank you for reading, you can comment what did you think and follow me, for more of these post about Wrong Turn 6!
(p.s. I got my first 100 views on my blog posts and my blog page? Thank you all who have read my posts :3)