Back in march 8th, 2014 they announced the filming of Wrong Turn 6. (According to Bloody-Disgusting).
Even though Wrong Turn 3,4 and 5 were the biggest mistakes in the franchise, they thought that they should make a new Wrong Turn, but some people said that Wrong Turn should have ended in Wrong Turn 2. I liked some of the Wrong Turn movies, but the third movie was just disappointing. The ''special'' effects were bad and everyone got killed so fast and why was there only 2 mutants? Declan O'Brien, you should have done a better job!
But now they removed Declan from directing another Wrong Turn movie. He got replaced by Valeri Milev (director of Re-Kill and Code Red.) Both of his movies got great ratings by IMDB. So I'm hoping to get a good movie from him!
Now back to Wrong Turn 6. Wrong Turn 6 is completed (according to UFO international productions), but there isn't a release date so far.. I hope that the release date is around October 23. Like the other Wrong Turn movies, but not Wrong Turn 1.
There was a plot in IMDB about Wrong Turn 6, but they removed it for unknown reasons. The plot was kinda weird, but everything is happening in the woods of West Virginia and you will see your 3 favourite mutants along with other mutants? This picture shows us some new mutants
It looks pretty exciting so far!
And here is a picture of the three hillbilly brothers and one of the cast member?
Three Finger, Saw Tooth and One Eye with Valeri Milev.
Is this the official plot for Wrong Turn 6?
So get ready for more backwoods gory mayhem as a sudden and mysterious inheritance brings Danny (Anthony Ilott) and his friends to Hobb Springs, a forgotten resort deep in the West Virginia hills. Hobb Springs is being looked after under the watchful care of Jackson and Sally, a socially awkward couple who introduce Danny to the long lost family he's never known. Soon, Danny is forced to choose between his friends and his bloodline. (There was something said about that Danny is a part of the cannibal family + the cannibal family does voodoo? It was on IMDB yesterday so it's probably real)
We will get better special effects+ the kills will be better.. Here is another picture I found from UFO international productions!
This looks gory and I think this is Roxanne Pallett who is playing Jillian in the movie. My guess is that she either went to ride a bike in the woods and then got her eyes ''sliced?'' with some kind of wire or she wanted to escape from the mutants and then this happened. Either way it looks awesome!
Here is another picture of someone dead, but who? I don't know.. Maybe it's a cannibal?
Looks cool and the death is kinda unknown.. I can't tell how he/she died..

Wrong Turn 6 full cast: Sadie Katz, Aqueela Zoll, Chris Jarvis, Roxanne Pallett, Raymond Steers, Harry Belcher, Anthony Ilott, Luke Cousins, Billy Ashworth, Rollo Skinner, Joe Gaminara, and Tabitha Luke Eardley.
Sadie Katz got the lead role, but will she survive in the movie? Something bad happens to her and here is another picture of her and Valeri..
What do you think? What happens to her? I hope she will survive, because it would be really boring if the cannibals would survive and no one else.
They did a great job picking the cast for Wrong Turn 6! By the way Sadie Katz starred in House of Bad, Meaning of Violence and in other movies! Can't wait to see her in Wrong Turn 6.
They are bringing back the old car from the last Wrong Turn movies. The picture is in black and white, but the car will be yellow.
Anthony will kill someone in the movie, but we don't know who.. He looks so surprised in this picture.
Sadie Katz with Aqueela Zoll. They are so beautiful in this picture! Only 4 months and we will get to see this awesome, gory movie. Everything seems to be awesome in this movie and it might be as good as the first and the second movie. Wrong Turn fans should be really happy now, because we have a great director, awesome actors and actresses, the special effects are cool, everyone gave their everything to make this awesome movie and well we don't have Brian as the director anymore! The movie would have been really awful if he'd directed it.. Or the worst thing: We wouldn't even get a Wrong Turn 6! So just be happy like Sadie and Aqueela are in the picture :D!
She posted this on Twitter. She had so much fun starring in Wrong Turn 6 and she said that it will be the funniest and scariest movie.
And another person added that it will be better, sexier and bloodier!
Can't wait to see the trailer and the movie. I hope you liked this little ''review'' so far of the things they have shared with us! Keep reading my blog and you will get these little reviews of the movies like Wrong Turn and other horror movies you like! Add a comment what did you think about it and recommend me some new horror movies.
All my source came from these sites! You can read about Wrong Turn 6 and see some pictures from the movie from these sites
You can follow Sadie Katz in Twitter. She is awesome!
A special source and a big thanks to Wrong Turn 6- BR
And a really big thank you to Bloody-Disgusting, HorrorSociety, ufofilm, imdb! +twitter :D