But after some time I heard that there's gonna be a second See No Evil? And I wasn't like all excited, because I wasn't like a huge fan or anything.. But I was really excited to see it once it would come out and after seeing the whole movie, I was like: WOW, I love this movie! I gotta go and write a review about it. Like seriously, I was wowed!

(Two awesome people were the directors and they did a fucking good job!) And they are the ''twisted sisters'', Jen and Sylvia Soska.
They did an excellent job with this movie and for every single movie they have directed, they haven't done anything ''shitty''! And I ''love loved'' American Mary. Ooh it was a masterpiece and I thought it was just over the TOP awesome and scary.
I feel like they always give their all when directing and I feel like they are scary, but awesome in real life? It would be my dream to meet them in real life and maybe even have a interview with them?
But let me just go on with the movies review. First of all, this movie was well made, it wasn't cheap and it was always exciting to watch, no matter what scene. And I hope I don't sound like a ''kiss ass'', but I just loved this movie.. Haha..
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NOOOOOO. You can't die! |
The story was also really simple, nothing really too complicated or anything. And I loved how it was followed right after the first story! Usually horror movies don't have that, but this one had it. The only thing I actually didn't like, was how my ''favorite'' characters were killed off. For example: Tamara (Katharine Isabelle) shouldn't have died.. She was (for me) the main character and I was like NOOOOOOO, when I saw her death scene. It was so unfair of her to die! God damn it Jacob Goodnight, for killing her.. (I'm just kidding.. Maybe)
Another thing that was disappoint about the film, would be the ending.. I can't even.. Oh, it made me angry when I saw the ending. God damn it, why can't you just die Jacob? Why? And why is it with horror movies, that the killer never dies and the main character gets killed at the end scene? Like WTF? Why are people doing this? And also one thing is bothering me.. Why can't the ''sexy'' girl survive magically, instead of the main girl?
And now I want to say what I have learned from See No Evil 2:
The killer never dies, the main girl always falls for the ''nerdy'' guy, there's always a plot twist in every scene, the hospital is really huge, like a labyrinth and no windows are open? There's no such thing as ''security'' in a place like that? Shouldn't there be some guards or anything? (Or they got killed or something?) The killer can teleport himself in to a car or something? Kane always knows where you are. No matter what! PS, these are just some examples.. I'm not saying that this movie had flaws, but it do not care at all. I just wanted to write about the things I learned from the whole movie and I didn't write everything..
But at the end of everything, I must say that this movie is awesome, it has gore, it has sexy scenes (No nudity or anything.. Or I just didn't saw any), the kills are rad, the actors/actresses knew how to act and there was emotion in this movie. Like usually horror movies are all about the scares and no emotion.. (Some of them).. This movie also had a creepy vibe and it had you all like sit up or close your eyes sometimes.. Or was it just me? This movie had like everything and I didn't see it as a bad movie, I saw it as a ''masterpiece''.. But it had a bad ending.. Which I did not like.. But at least Kane was really happy that he survived and maybe we will see him in See No Evil 3?
In all conclusion, I must say that this movie is a ''Must Watch'' and if you think it was a waste of time, then you can just go F yourself. Also I think this movie should have a higher score than a 5.. I loved this movie, it was creepy, it was worth watching and I think imma give it a 4 and a half stars outta 5..
PS- I didn't even intend to do this review.. I just got really bored and I guess I wanted to write something new and I hope y'all liked it? PS- Sorry if it was short or something and if it was lacking something than I'm just terribly sorry! I worked hard on this and I really hope everyone loved it.. I don't have anything against you, if you disliked my review btw and I hope it wasn't a waste of your time.
Love my readers and thanks to y'all I got over a 1000 views! I just love my readers!
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Happy endings makes Kane all happy and stuff and even more alive.. |